
3 main questions answered about nevaal MapsTM

Jun. 10th, 2021

What’s the use of nevaal MapsTM software for startups?

Startups can easily find a new investor on our platform and keep existing investors updated. nevaal Maps helps investors, either big or small, to build their own network platform and a data pool of startups. Investors can then easily collect and benchmark different startups, see the profile of founders and evaluate their potential. It is a platform that brings together all important actors in one space.

All stakeholders can get in touch with each other and new interested investors can be invited to the networks too. That way an active community with frequent interactions between participants is established which realizes great synergy. Through event attendance, sales and funding approaches the network will grow rapidly.

Here is an image to show how startups and VCs can share information via nevaal Maps software

What’s the difference between nevaal MapsTM software and social networks?

nevaal Maps has big advantages. Your data is only shared within a semi-public network and the amount of shared data can be adjusted for every new partner. The shared information is standardized which makes screening and decision processes for venture capital funds much easier. Contrary to other social media your connections are not just lists but dynamic visualizations which give you an overview over the whole network, the connections within all network members and it shows you the closest connection you have with an organization or person you want to get in touch with. This increases the number of warm introductions and referrals.

Two people look at a laptop and point at the screen with fingers

How can nevaal improve the cooperation between startups and VC’s?

nevaal provides with nevaal Maps a tool to stay in touch, keeping track of development, and sharing news. It’s a tool to discover new opportunities and to connect all involved persons of a partnership instead of just the team leaders. Moreover, nevaal Maps assists event hosts and provides software for letting participants stay in touch afterwards.



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